Madhav Jha, a rural Bihari boy gets admission in a prestigious Stephens College in Delhi through sports quota. Riya Somani, a rich Delhi businessman’s daughter also gets admission in the same college through sports quota. They both love to play Basketball, and soon they become best friends. Madhav develops love feeling for Riya, which he tries to express her on different occasions. But Riya was too reserved as she takes him only as a friend and nothing much.
Once, when they were alone in Madhav’s hostel room, he tries to make a physical move which she rejects. This made Madhav angry and he gives out a rudimentary comment. Riya takes her leave from his room and decides never to befriend with him again. A year later she gets married to one of her cousin/close family friend. Madhav, with no interest in working with renowned bank, gives up his job offer and returns back to his village. There he helps his mom, who runs a public school in Bihar.